Who doesn’t have an oversized t-shirt that could use a little cool-ifying? And what better time then summer to get a cool new t-shirt?

This week at Too Cute Tuesday, we’re tricking out our t-shirts and making something old out of something new. Our original inspiration was this project on the Readymade website but there’s also a really great book that Dorrie happens to have called “Generation T”, which has its own website too.

The designs have fun names: Sam made “Halt Right There”, Dorrie made “Shoulder Chic”, and I made “Put Me In, Coach”. Yeah, I know…fun!

The TCT crew in 'Halt Right There', 'Shoulder Chic', and 'Put Me In Coach', respectively.

Oversize (or just under-utilized) t-shirt
Needle and thread
Straight pins
Elastic band and/or another t-shirt (these just increase your crafting options and are unnecessary)

Cost of craft: Approximately $5

Cocktail of the Night: Vanilla Vodka Vroom (clearly a Nicole invented cocktail invented based on what was available in Nicole’s house. To make: 1-2 oz. vodka, 1/4 tsp. pure vanilla extract, 8ish oz. cola)

1. Find an old t-shirt (in my case my still cool Vinalhaven shirt with a worn out collar) and your sewing kit and head to Craft Central. Fun Fact: Shirts that are at least 65″ long can apparently be made into dresses according to Readymade.

2. Make your super duper VVV cocktails. Think that if no one has said anything bad they probably taste alright.

3. Find the shirt you want to make in Dorrie’s book. Eat bean dip.

4. Cut carefully. You may want to mark up the shirt with a pencil (on the inside of course) and use a ruler for the 45 degree angles. (I can only speak to the “Put Me In, Coach” design, which requires such angles.)

5. Watch “Fast Times At Ridgemont High” which apparently only Dorrie has ever seen for background noise. Try on your shirt throughout the process so as to make sure parts are long enough, etc.

6. Hand stitch the edges and/or detailing as necessary. Note: use pins to hold the garment in place of you’ll end up with uneven sleeves. Still, coach will probably still put me in.

7. Remark that these crafts came out better then you thought. Aren’t you crafty!

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