Too Cute Tuesday: Mosaics

Every Tuesday is a craft and a cocktail with friends. To see more crafts, check out the archives or like the Facebook page. After a break (a crafting break this summer but also a much longer still-crafting-but-just-not-writing-a-blog-about-it break), Too Cute Tuesday...
Too Cute Tuesday: Sesame Balls

Too Cute Tuesday: Sesame Balls

You know what the problem with Too Cute Tuesday has been lately? We’ve been getting together and crafting then I start the blog posts that stay in ‘draft’ form. Bummer! I did know that I had to write about this week’s craft though. So little...

Too Cute Tuesday: Peepshi

Editor’s Note: Too Cute Tuesday Saint Louis sent in this post. Thanks to Sarah for sending it in and keeping the crafting going in the Midwest! We here at Too Cute Tuesday St. Louis love springtime (even though mostly it has just beenrainy here). And with...

Too Cute Tuesday: Bacon Jam

My favorite part about Too Cute Tuesday is when people send me stuff and say ‘You guys should try this!” My friend Sarah C. sent me this link for Bacon Jam, a Foodista recipe which sounded just ridiculous enough for our group. Dorrie, Sue, and Amy did the...

Too Cute Tuesday: Mustache Mirrors

I am going to call this early and say 2011 is the year of the mustache in terms of pop culture America (I would have to say it’s sharing its title with bacon though). Had I planned this a little better, we honestly could have had a month of mustache related...

Too Cute Tuesday: Homemade Twix Bars

Just when you think you’ve got your crafting planned out, suddenly you see something on Twitter. In my case, ‘homemade Twix bars’ with a link to beautiful snacks made of four delicious ingredients created by a fellow blogger and crafter I follow on...

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