I once made this rubber band ball while being locked out of someone's apartment. Tonight, it came in handy.Christy, last week’s birthday girl, requested we do a special tie dye Too Cute Tuesday. “I’m going to tie dye everything!” she proclaimed. This we had to see!

Well, that and we enjoy those more passive crafts on occasion…

Rit Dye (by the way, if you are stuck on how to do your tie dying, check out their website)
Hot water
Light colored items
Skewer (for poking)
Elastics (for designing)

Cocktail of the Night: Lemon drop martinis (mix plus lemon vodka, shaken to fantasticness)

1. Realize that you have nothing white you want to tie dye right before Too Cute Tuesday. Show up at Craft Central and figure other people will have things they want to tie dye.

2. Oh darn, no one has things to tie dye! Head to Dorrie’s store and pick up handkerchiefs.

3. Put elastics in various configurations around handkerchiefs (and perhaps the occasional pair of unmentionables).

4. Fill bucket with hot water and Rit Dye (we only used blue but clearly, you could have a bucket per color if you wanted a multicolored option). Dunk your garments in the bucket and let them soak in the dye.

Christy's cute undergarments will make her the envy of any slumber party.

5. Watch Jeopardy and make fun of when the contestants try to joke around. Oh right, we’re crafting!

6. Poke the garments to see if they are ready. The longer you leave them in the bucket, the more color they’ll have.

7. Take out clothing and rinse in cold water to get rid of excess dye. Wring out and hang to dry.

We were all psyched at how good things turned out. I think the key was keeping things monocromatic (in our case, there was really no choice since the grocery store in Bar Harbor had a very limited selection of Rit Dye). But one color seems to keep things classier, don’t you think?

So hippy, and crafty!

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