Moving into a new apartment, you find yourself doing all kinds of little things to customize your new location. Well, at least I do.

Squareframesupplies I have had this great set of square black frames for about a year now but finally putting them on a wall has may be more motivated to actually fill them. I don't longer have a printer at my disposal and the photographs I have are a little too small for the opening in the frame. I decided to do a temporary collage to make them pretty enough until I can get some photographs enlarged.

I took out my folder called "Stuff I Like" for some inspiration. A set of Jack Vettriano prints (from an old planner) and an Yves Saint Laurent quote (from a magazine) seem to go well together. A bottle of Polka Dot riesling and the party was officially underway.

Squareframeputty Pictures/quotes you like (if you don't have a file like this, start one. These come in handy for projects and inspiration in general)
A frame (A small frame will be less intimidating then a larger one, plus they're cheaper. My square frame cost around $12.)
Poster putty

Cocktail of the day: a sweet Riesling from the grocery store called Polka Dot

1. Look through a pile of stuff you like and search for common theme. In my case, the Yves Saint Laurent quote "Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it." went perfectly with the vintage prints of women in dresses. No doubt some the things you like will lie along some theme usable to you.

2. Arrange the pictures face down in the opening of your frame. Hold them in place with some poster putty so they don't move around. (Poster party is that gum like substance that you can use to stick up posters, which you can buy at most craft stores. Heady stuff.).

Squareframeafter 3. Now hold up your frame and look at it. Are the photos straight? Does anything need to be trimmed? Put the frame down and make the adjustments necessary.

4. Now that you are done needing to cut straight, have some wine.

5. Repeat steps two and three as many times as necessary until you are happy with the results. For me, the third time was a charm.

6. Admire your work, knowing that you can wait a little bit longer to pony up for the photo reprints. And using putty makes your arrangement stay but not so permenantly.

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