I have a friend who loves the idea of Too Cute Tuesday but she said to me the other day, “Nicole, I’d love to do that stuff but I can’t afford it.”

If you look closely at the TCT crafts, you’ll see many of them cost under $10 assuming you have a few basic and equally inexpensive tools at your disposal. But you know what happens when you assume…

I thought pre-Tuesday I could go over some of my favorite crafting tools that you can use for multiple projects and not break the bank. If you want to do a craft, here are all the Too Cute Tuesday posts ever…take your pick!

Glue Gun– Cost $10
Sometimes you need the good stuff. You can use this on many surfaces and for its staying power, the price is right.

Stapler– Cost $10-20
Handy for attaching things like reciepts to statements, you can also "sew" in a pinch.

Duct Tape– $5 for a huge roll
Do I really have to say more?

Needle And Thread– $2
You can also steal the sewing kit from a hotel you stay at. Great for quick repairs. Get some embroidery floss and you've got all kinds of possibilities!

Fabric Scraps– Free
Reuse what you've got.  I made a pillow out of a skirt last year!

Modge Podge– $5 for a big container
Essentially it's a big pot of Elmer's glue and the cheapest way to "waterproof" something I can think of.

Scrap Paper- Free
Paper is a pretty versatile substance…why let it go to waste?

Paint– $5+
Spray paint or discounted leftovers at your favorite hardware store can give anything a new life.

Good scissors – $5
My tip: Hide your favorite scissors and don't ever let them into a kitchen. Cause then it's over.

Ruler– $1
A straight edge will save you a lot of heartache. Even better if it's a yard stick.

Cardstock or index cards– $5
A stiff kind of paper has all kinds of possibilities, and gives your scrap paper some super powers.

Computer– A lot of money
Don't have an item? Look up the substitution online. There is certainly more then one way to do a craft and having the ginormous library at your fingertips that is the internet will make you unstoppable. Having a printer will make you even more powerful, you know, if that's possible.

Small repair kit– $20
A small hammer, some nails, and a screwdriver will get you out of (and into) some fun messes.

Things you can borrow: cordless drill, belt sander, sewing machine…Some places have a tool lending library but also you can borrow from friends and neighbors. Bring the item back with some brownies and I doubt anyone would mind!

Another great post along these lines was by Frugal Hacks about things you should have in your at-home repair kit. It actually inspired me to write this up finally.

These are the things that I use regularly. Fellow crafters: am I forgetting anything?

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