Want to make a nice gift that costs you next to nothing and impresses your boyfriend? How about some embroidery?

Sstowel I got the idea from Tattoo Your Towels. I was in one of those cute stores in the city of Portland Maine, the kind of fun and retro-feeling store where I loved everything but couldn't afford anything. Until I saw a $3 Tattoo Your Towels kit.

Tattooing tea towels seemed very domestic but hip at the same time. I liked the cute, tattoo-like designs and the craftiness of the project.

When I lived on Vinalhaven and had lots of free time, I decided one lonely but goal oriented evening to make Sean a present. My mother had bought me a ginourmous bag of embroidering floss so I got it out along with the cross stitch loop. A glass of wine and twenty minutes later, Sean had a tattooed towel.

He absolutely loves his tatooed towel and thinks I am so handy for making it. The good news is you can do this to your towels in a simple design (like a heart and initials) without kit. (Though the kit is pretty cool when you get good!)

Needle ($1 for a bunch)
Embroidery loop ($5 for a whole bunch)
Differnet colors embroidery floss (total cost no more than $3)
Something to embroider, like a bathroom towel
Wine (optional)

Thread the needle. Sketch out a design to stitch (something simple). Stretch fabric into the embroidery loop. (Though you don't need it if you're doing a thick fabric like towels.) Stitch. If you need further instructions on the stitching, see this site for techniques. Drink wine. Be happy with your gift… and you have supplies to make a lot of them!

These towels not only impress not-so-crafty boys but can make great and personal gifts for everyone you know from parents to girl friends. And I'm hard pressed to think of other gifts that can be made in twenty minutes and at such a great price.

Happy Crafting!

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