Every Tuesday, it’s a craft, a cocktail, and friends. To join the fun, check out Facebook at www.facebook.com/toocutetuesday. To see archives of past TCT evenings, see www.toocutetuesday.com. And to start your own chapter or join ours, contact Nicole.

This craft was sent to us by Dorrie, who couldn’t make it to see it through. But overall a great idea using 1) inexpensive materials and 2) good design.

A man sewing. Nothing sexier.

Plastic-y tablecloth (what Martha would call ‘oil cloth’)
Measuring tape
Sewing machine

Cocktail of the Night: The Wolf Pack (invented by Chef Dan)
Irish cream (3/4 oz.), irish whiskey (1 oz.), 1 oz. heavy cream, 1 oz. milk. Mix and add splash of soda water and whipped cream on the top.

1. Beg on all social media outlets for an air conditioned place to sit at during the day. Have boyfriend’s mother see Facebook post and offer to lend you her spare AC for the summer. Decide you love social media (and your boyfriend’s family) even more.

2. Have boyfriend (AKA Chef Dan) show up at Craft Central right before the fun with a surprise. Install in window and press start.

3. Since you can now cook without the fear of melting yourself, cook up some apps while Dan makes the night’s cocktail.

This is what happens when you decide to 'eyeball' fabric measurements...one side shorter than the other. Craft fail.

4. Get out the sewing machine and several plastic tablecloths ($2.99 each at a local discount store).

5. Cut one large rectangular piece and two small rectangle pieces. These will serve as the width of the bag and two sides, respectively. For a much better visual and more specific measurements, check out the original craft on Martha Stewart’s website by clicking here. Note: We just eyeballed it.

6. Sew the sides on first making sure of two things 1) that the small rectangles are both lined up with each other on opposite sides and 2) that you press the two printed (read: nice) sides together to sew so your clever (or not so clever) stitching is hidden.

7. Set the bottom of the two rectangles (creating the square bottom) last. If there is some error, this is a much easier area to hide/fudge it.

Optional: If rolling it closed isn’t enough to you, you can get a velco strip to stick on a hold it closed. Or do the Martha and use a clothespin (though most everyone on the site sort of agreed the clothespin was a bit lame/impractical).

I was so proud of Dan because this was his first session with the sewing machine. “That was fun.” he said. Either the guy 1) adores me or 2) the craft was good. “This is a cool bag. I needed a lunch bag.” Dan said. Ok, so maybe it was a little of both. Seriously though folks, easy!

Aren’t we cooled off, and crafty?

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