Too Cute Tuesday is a weekly event that involves a craft, a cocktail, and a friendly get together. Join us each week for a different inexpensive craft. Currently there are TCT chapters in Bar Harbor, Maine and Saint Louis, Missouri. If you want to join in on the fun, check out Facebook or contact Nicole.

Sometimes, you just know you are going to need to do something easy. Enter this week’s Too Cute Tuesday,inspired by ReadyMade magazine’s snow globes. (Click through to see their cute end products!)

What better craft to not only salute our blustery couple of weeks but to finally do a craft involving glitter? Add a snowy cocktail and we’ve got ourselves a night!

What happens when you recycle an old salsa jar and an old Christmas ornament and add glitter? You have yourself a snow globe. Shake it, Sue!

Consultant Christie's only advice: Add more glitter. We weren't surprised.Glass jar with lid
Novelty items (old Christmas ornaments work great)
Crazy glue
Clay (to help you create a base, if need be)
Nail polish remover (to get off sticky labels, if Goo Gone is unavailable)

Cocktail of the Night: Snow Job
2 oz of pear schnapps,1 sprinkle of cinnamon,1 oz of cream
Shake in shaker. Serve on ice. (Thanks to Cocktail Consultant Dan for his research into the situation. Who knew there were so many winter-related beverages?)

1. Head to your favorite kiddo/craft store to get glitter and novelties to put in your snow globe. (We like Sherman’s in downtown Bar Harbor. Thanks for being open year round!) Note: If you can’t find proper glitter, glitter pens will do. If you have nothing to put in the snow globe, try an old Christmas tree ornament or small child’s toy.

2. Fish around in your recycling bin for glass containers that’ll hold your treasures (in my case a boat). Oh no, all the jars are too small! Easy solution: Make pasta for dinner just to use the sauce jar.

3. Crazy glue novelty items to base of container, making sure both surfaces are dry. Pour snow jobs, discuss the day’s events.

I used a boat in mine, and some clay to make it a little wave to sit on. As we'd say where I come from: C'est cute, ça!

4. Add glitter to the jar. If you are not participating in tonight’s festivities, deem yourself a ‘consultant’. (Note: Consultant Christie will always tell you to add more glitter.) Add water until the jar is almost full.

5. Screw on lid and shake, extra hard if you’ve had to use the glitter pens, which make the glitter come out looking a bit like ‘glitter poo’. Shaking it will make the water soluble glue dissolve.

You now have a snow globe and yet haven’t actually done anything difficult. Aren’t you crafty, and at the same time embracing of winter?

Next week: Recycled newspaper crafts. Save a couple of yours and get out your Modge Podge; we’re going to have some environmentally friendly fun!

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