I have been housesitting for my friends Sean and Stacy all week in a town about an hour from where I normally live. In leaving my house for the week to move into theirs, I managed to forget some key items: 1) slippers, 2) my digital camera (not this week’s terrible computer camera photos), and 3) my Too Cute Tuesday bag of tricks (ie miscellaneous supplies and a binder of future project ideas).

I was talking with Sarah, the founder of Too Cute Tuesday Saint Louis, about my predicament when she sent me a link for pipe cleaner animals. All I have to do is buy a bag of pipe cleaners for an evening of fun? I was down with that!

I sent the craft to Joe, the TCT Cocktail Consultant. In keeping with the pipe cleaner animal theme, Joe found ‘The Chameleon’, a simple to make cocktail that ends up being green when you mix the blue curacao with the orange juice. Let’s serve up some fun, this week with Bangor TCT fans Mel and Anne!

Nicole hopes you'll excuse the subpar photos taken by her computer as she begins fun with 'fuzzy sticks' both in making and drinking a chameleon.

Pipe cleaners
Round thing to wrap pipe cleaners around

Cocktail of the Night: The Chameleon (Thanks Joe!)
Fill a tumbler with ice.
Add 1 oz. Blue Curacao
1/2 fill glass with orange juice.
Fill rest of glass with 7-Up.
Optional: garnish with mint leaves

1. Decide that since you have access to a fantastic kitchen with fun organic ingredients and a dishwasher that you’ll actually cook dinner tonight for TCT.

2. Head to buy pipe cleaners, then to get groceries.

3. Spend ten minutes in the liquor aisle looking for blue curacao. Realize this is the exact same problem you had when you were in Bar Harbor at the grocery store. Is blue curacao really that much of a specialty item? Decide to substitute orange liquor instead for a similar taste but less cool color blending effect. *sigh*

4. Head back to Craft Central and begin making Badenjan, which you saw on the Foodista website.

5. Anne and Mel arrive early, which is good but also means you are still cooking. Darn!

6. Sit down to dinner and fascinating conversation.

7. Mel and Anne have to go after dinner. Oh no, looks like you are crafting alone in Bangor!

With Sarah's encouragement over Skype and fueled by a great dinner, Nicole's tiger attempt is much better than the chameleon attempt (unshown).

8. Get on Skype with Sarah (of the TCT Saint Louis branch) and craft with her virtually.

9. Vaguely follow these Martha Stewart directions for pipe cleaner animals.

10. Realize that while yours will never be as cute as Martha’s, the craft is fairly easy to make (Note: The tiger is easier but way less cute than the chameleon.)

11. Drink your chameleon and realize that you haven’t had this much fun with pipe cleaners (ie fuzzy sticks) ever. Aren’t you crafty!

Note: Since TCT Saint Louis has early morning classes on Wednesdays, they’ll be crafting Wednesday nights so they can enjoy themselves completely. They’ll also be posting their photos onto Facebook and when possible attempt the same crafts. Wicked Cute Wednesdays? Sounds good to us!

Love Too Cute Tuesday? Be friendly on Facebook and get advance notice of crafts, extra photos (you know, when there is a camera!), and other fun!

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