Too Cute Tuesday is a weekly event that involves a craft, a cocktail, and a friendly get together. Join us each week for a different inexpensive craft. Currently there are TCT chapters in Bar Harbor, Maine and Saint Louis, Missouri. If you want to join in on the fun, check out Facebook or contact Nicole.

It’s so funny that in the past week, about five people have told me how great Too Cute Tuesday crafts are for kids (minus the alcoholic beverage, of course). Turns out Jessica (she’s crafted with us before) is going to do some of these crafts with an after school program at the Reach School. Now that’s what I’m talking about!

Tonight’s craft has been requested by Dorrie’s nieces and, since it was done by me solo (and badly) about a year ago, we thought it was worth another more fun attempt. Dorrie, Jen, Izzy, and Sophie joined Nicole for the fun this particular Tuesday. Here’s how it went:

Izzy has a modified version of the a disco glass. Fun!

Modge Podge (Maybe we should buy stock in this stuff?)
Paintbrush (to spread the podge)
Paper clips (to hold newspaper in place as it dries, optional)

Cocktail of the Night: Between The Sheets (Get it? Sheets of newspaper? I know, we’re silly)

1/2 oz of brandy, 1/2 oz of triple sec, 1/2 oz of rum (or other light rum), 1 dash of lemon juice
Shake ingredients together. You can either take it like a shot or add a bit more juice to make it more like a drink.

Jen gave up partway through, but at least had fun doing it!

1. Realize that while the evening’s craft has been planned for months, the cocktail has not. Head to CocktailBuilder.comto see what you can make with the ingredients on hand. Between the sheets? Perfect!

2. Head to Craft Central. Fix some Between the Sheets cocktails (and modified ones for minors).

3. Roll the newspaper and then Modge Podge to hold the folded pages in place.

4. Attach the strips, sticking them to each other with the glue. (See the Dorrie video for additional instruction.)



Dorrie was the evening's most successful crafter. Look at that craftswomanship!

5. Recycling and creating an inexpensive craft? Now that’s an evening well spent!

Need some additional inspiration besides us? Check this out (but good luck rolling the newspaper this tight; we couldn’t!):

Newspaper coaster inspiration…
Newspaper picture frame inspiration…

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