First of all, Happy Cinquo de Mayo. Yes, we could have done the predictable Too Cute Tuesday thing and drank margaritas but at Too Cute Tuesday, we like to keep you guessing.

Tct-mintjulips3As I mentioned last week, Sarah, our resident southern belle, was going to record the Kentucky Derby and we all were going to watch it. Plus the pinata was dry tonight so we thought we would mix the two occasions by 1) making mint julips (our craft) 2) watching the Kentucky Derby, and breaking open the pinata (in celebration of the actual holiday). Follow that crazy train of logic? Yeah, us either but we had fun!

Materials For Mint Julip
Jim Beam or other Kentucky bourbon
Sugar cubes
Fresh mint
Ice, preferably crushed
A muddler, or the handle of some spoon

Cocktail of the Day: See above

1. Go to the store to buy alcohol. Realize that along with your coffee and your lunch, you also forgot your drivers liscence this morning when leaving home. Since you look too young to not get carded, leave the store with everything but the bourbon.

Tct-mintjulips2 2. Go home, get liscence, go back to the store and just buy bourbon. Feel silly.

3. Get to Craft Central and make nachos. Horray for Cinqo de Mayo.

4. Crush ice in a blender. Do it in small batches and don't feel too badly if your blender performs poorly.

5. Put several mint leaves and a cube of sugar in a glass. Muddle it with a little alcohol. (This is apparently a classy way to say pound it.)

6. Add more bourbon and crushed ice (the recipe we used was a 1:1 ratio but clearly, this is your taste, not ours).

7. Put on the Kentucky Derby and watch enthralled at the crazy finish. (FYI I "bet" on Mr. Hot Stuff, having no idea of the outcome. He got 15th so clearly folks, I am not the person to pick your horses.)

8. Decide it's pinata time but realize the dogs will have way more fun with it then the humans.

9. Fill pinata with dog food and watch the dogs have at while eating the chocolate that was supposed to go inside. Note that the pinata is actually larger then Sadie the dog.


10. Enjoy the bizarre mix of Kentucky Derby and Mexican holiday. So crafty!

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