Tonight’s craft is sponsored by Quigley’s Building Supply in Fort Kent, Maine. To sponsor a craft, contact us.

Next week, Too Cute Tuesday is gearing up for our month of giving… to each other!

Starting next Tuesday, the TCT crew will take turns helping one of our members complete a project in their house. Think of all those projects that you may want to get done but are nervous or simply dreading attempting yourself…Yup, we’ve got them too! Christy is kick off TCT’s Month of Giving next week by having us help her build a bar.

But this fantastic election day, we have decided to do a fun, whimsical craft to celebrate. What do you get when you combine the playful fun of PVC pipe with the plumbing marvel of hip swiveling? A hula hoop!

Sue didn't think she had skills but by the end of the night, we all realized she was just being modest.

10′-13′ PVC pipe per hoop (the directions suggested 3/4″ irrigation pipe but flexible PVC will do the job)
Utility knife
Electrical tape in multiple colors
Random wood pieces (you’ll see…)

Christie proves that electrical tape is not only functional but decorative.

Cocktail of the Night: Blue Hawaiian

The male connectors at the hardware store were, uh-hum, too large so Andrew whittled us some. Way to have random useful stuff in your car, Andrew!

According to Joe, “Hula hoops, to me, say Hawaii. And Hawaii means Blue Hawaiian!”

Modern recipes call for coconut cream, which can be a hassle to find. If you want the coconut flavor but can’t locate coconut cream, then use half as much Bacardi light rum and use Malibu rum as filler. Here is a modern version of the Blue Hawaiian:

– 2 measures Bacardi rum
– 1/2 measure blue Curacao
– 1 measure pineapple juice
– 1/2 measure coconut cream

1. Pick up PVC pipe and ‘pleasure pack’ of electrical tape (multiple colors packaged together for about $3) at your favorite hardware store, in our case Quigley’s Building Supply in Fort Kent, Maine.

2. Go vote! Then head to Craft Central and bring hula hoop and Blue Hawaiian materials with.

3. Mix Blue Hawaiians and debate election issues. Figure out how best to attach the two hula hoop ends. Have Andrew go to his handy van and round up useful bits of wood. Carve short pieces that fit in the PVC pipe and hold the hoop together. That Sue married a smarty!

4. Wrap electrical tape around the joint to hold the ends together (and to reenforce the wood piece).

5. Use electrical tape to decorate the hoop. Christy is especially gifted in this area.

6. Periodically try out the hoop to see who can go the longest.

All in all, it was a fun evening of hooping and talking and at the end of it all, there was at least a minimal abdominal workout. Aren’t we fit and cool?

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