Every Tuesday, it’s a craft, a cocktail, and friends (eat something, drink something and be social). To read more, check out www.toocutetuesday.com (all the posts) or check out the Facebook page. (We usually put photo galleries and some extra stuff on the Facebook page.)

Inspired by this post at Readymade, we decided to carb it up this week with gnocchi. In May, we’re doing food as crafts. It’s technically making something and, quite honestly, spring is making us hungry.

Sam grating the potatoes. I told her to do something clever. To be fair, this is a hard situation to be clever.

Dorrie poking the dough. We had way too much fun with the directions on this one.Flour (1-2 cups)
2 potatoes (fairly large)
1 egg
Sauce of your choice and parm cheese
Large pot
Slotted spoon
Box grater

Cocktail of the Day: Nicole’s Gnocchi Tonic (tonic water, triple sec, light rum)

1. Put a huge pot of water to boil with salt. Pour cocktail and pet dogs, though not necessarily in that order.

2. In the meantime, wash and peel both potatoes. Cut into 2-3 inch chunks and place into boiling water for about 10 minutes. Take them out with a slotted spoon (leave starchy water for later. Yum.)

3. Once cool (we ran them under cold water in a colander), grate potatoes and put them on a cookie sheet. Cover with salt (to draw out moisture) and wait 20 minutes.

4. While waiting 20 minutes, eat way too much bread and olive oil. Be thankful for friends who also love carbohydrates.

5. On floured surface, place potatoes. Dust flour on top. Make pile-o-potatoes with a hole in it and crack one egg. Poke with fingers. Massage dough together, adding more flour until it is less sticky, like cookie dough.

Cooking the gnocchi.

6. Cut into four pieces. Roll out to size of large sausage. Remark that the directions are kind of ridiculous. Cut in one inch pieces, rolling on fork to make more sauce-adhering surface area. While some people do that, try to get a picture of an elusive dog with the camera. (Gidget, the camera hating dog, made an exception of appearing in the photo above on account of the presence of food.)

7. Boil for 3 minutes in starchy water from earlier until the gnocchi float. Take out with slotted spoon and put in waiting sauce. (Dorrie and Sam brought a nice vodka one.) Serve with Parmesan cheese.

Aren’t we crafty, Italian-like, and well fed?

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