You’ll notice that if you are a regular reader of Too Cute Tuesday that many of our regular participants have pets. I (Nicole) have Sadie, the beagle-Corgi mix. Dorrie has two Australian shepherds, Blue and Sparks. Sue has Duke, who is in a category all his own. Christy, while dogless, has two cats, Jane and Doodle.

Originally we were going to be inclusive of dogs and cats but when Christy couldn’t come, we just made dog biscuits. And with a matching cocktail, what could be better?

Blue and Sparks approve of the dog treats, though they might not be the most discerning critics.

1 tbsp. honey
1 tsp. peanut butter
3/4 c. flour
1 egg
1/4 c. vegetable oil
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 c. rolled oats
1/2 tsp. vanilla

This week's craft meant lots of downtime for relaxing and catching up with friends.

The dog biscuit cocktail did not look as planned. Did we do something wrong?

Cocktail of the Night: Dog Biscuit (thanks to Joe, TCT’s new official cocktail consultant)

1. Head to Craft Central straight from your road trip. Yay to seeing Dorrie for the first time in about a month. That’s what happens when we all get too busy.

2. Mix the bizarre sounding cocktail. Find it fascinating that a precipitate seems to form in the glass. Yay science.

3. Melt honey and peanut butter together in the microwave. Mix all other ingredients together.

4. Place on a cookie sheet (the recipe makes 1.5 dozen cookies but if you felt especially motivated, you could roll the dough out into shapes versus just plopping them on the sheet. Guess what us slackers did?)

5. Place in the oven for 7ish minutes at 350 degrees F.

6. Let cookies cool. Drink the grown up version of the dog biscuit.

7. Let the dogs try your creations. They say ‘yum’. Aren’t you crafty?

Update: Too Cute Tuesday has launched a Saint Louis edition. Check it out on Facebook!

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