One of my friends got her boyfriend the best Valentine's Day gift I've heard about in awhile. It's thoughtful, not something that's limited to this holiday, and something you can either give as a gift or just keep for yourself for cool decoration. This has been a couple weeks in the making so it would be too late for Valentine's Day this year but it was by far the most stylish thing I could think of this week.

First, my friend bought a nautical chart of Puget Sound/Seattle (which is where her boyfriend is from). You can order charts off the NOAA website or you can visit your favorite marine salvage store (or eBay!) if you aren't particular. Cost: $20 

Then, she ordered a frame kit online which she assembled herself with a little muscle and wood glue. You can find lots of choices by doing a quick online search for frame kits. Remember if it doesn't quite fit, you can always crop the chart if you need to. Cost: $15

Finally, she went to the hardware store and had a piece of glass cut for the frame. A lot of these frame kits seem to come with acrylic but a glass frame really classes it up I think. Cost: $20

Depending on what size you go on the frame (the frame I'm talking about was pretty big), the cost can vary but what a way to display something that's both thoughtful of the person and beautiful to look at. You could do this with a nautical chart or a map, maybe where you traveled together (for you coupled folks) or a place that you plan to travel in the coming year (if it's a gift for you).

I'll take a photo of it when I get a chance…probably after the guy gets a chance to open his present!

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