Rocky and the Power of Failure

Rocky and the Power of Failure

(Spoilers ahead) The best movies in the “Rocky” franchise are not concerned with winning or losing, but about drive, ability and performance. Rocky may be synonymous with Eye-of-The-Tiger-themed training montages and “Yo! Adrian!” catchphrases,...

When Automated Marketing Goes Wrong

Earlier this week, I received the following email from Pinterest: You may wonder why this is at all significant. Kassie, Pinterest sends emails like this all the time…Yes, they do. But guess what? I don’t hate running- I really, really love...

Photoshop: A Love/Hate Relationship

Last week, Nicole and I took an online course on Photoshop. After five hours, we absorbed a ton of new info, but it was clear that we’d just scratched the surface of this program. During the course, it became clear that Photoshop is an amazing tool, when used...

Too Cute Thursday: Edible Crayons

Every week it’s a craft, a cocktail, and friends. To learn more see the Too Cute Tuesday archives, join us on Facebook, or contact Nicole to start your own chapter. (It’s easy and free; we just like to coordinate). At Too Cute Tuesday, we’ll attempt...

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