
This series was inspired by Quarter Life Poetry and my fascination with Microsoft Paint. There are all kinds of excuses why people aren’t making online donations and, as the appeals letters, commercials, and annual asks roll in during the most generous time of the year, we like to think of this series as your public service announcement to get your cause (or your favorite non-profit) a donation form on your own website. More information here! 

Part Four: Giving people a way to donate to your nonprofit online is great- why not take it a step further and make sure your site is mobile friendly? When people are standing in line, sitting in the waiting room for the doctor, hanging out on their couch, or anywhere in between, it’s pretty safe to assume that they have their phone on hand. Donations made from mobile devices are on average 38% greater than from desktop computers. There’s something to be said for the convenience of making a donation while waiting to see if Glen is alive or dead…

As this post illustrates, you may be leaving money on the table when it comes to people (like me) having a spontaneous desire to make an online donation to a charity. By the time I get to a desktop, there’s a chance I have forgotten or spent the money elsewhere. Food for thought!

In case you missed them, check out posts one, two, and three!

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