Audreyearrings My friend Jessica got this idea from seeing a pair of earrings her friend got in New York. Her friend's earrings cost $30, hers about $3. They also look cool and are easy to customize (because if what you want isn't in stock, why not make it?). The hardest thing about these fabulous accessories is picking your fashion icon (Jessica's is Bridget Bardot, mine Audrey Hepburn).

Two identical copies of the star of your earrings (think of how big you can pull off)
An index card, cardstock, or other thick paper
Modge Podge
Sharpie marker or nail polish (the color that'll back your earrings)
Small paintbrush
Earring hooks
Heavy book (a new use for those encyclopedias!)
Gin and tonic (optional)

1. Copy and paste the photo you want to work with in Microsoft Word. This way, you can use the rulers on the top and sides of the screen to figure out the size your earring will be. (To get a hint of what you subconsiously like, measure three or four pairs of your favorite earrings and a pattern of size should emerge.) Once the photo is cropped and resized, copy and paste nearby to create an identical image. Press print.

2. While your photo is printing, mix yourself a gin and tonic. Put in a lime, because why not?

3. Cut your images out of the paper. Spread a thin uniform layer of Modge Podge on the back and stick the images to the index card. Take your time so it doesn't bubble. Let dry, perhaps under an old book you never read to keep things flat. Peruse a magazine while sipping your tonic. Ah.

4. Once dry, cut around the image again. You should have a fairly well-enforced earring. If you feel it is still too flimsy, spread another layer of Modge Podge and adhere to another layer of index card. Let dry again. Peruse. Sip. Ah.

5. Color the back of the earring. Jessica likes nail polish because it gives it a paint-like coat with the precision of a small brush. A dark colored Sharpie (I didn't have nail polish at the time of crafting!) also works in a pinch. After letting the back of the earring dry, color the edges of the earring. Gives the whole thing a nice clean look, don't you think?

6. Now the fun part! Stab with a pin where you want the earring hook to go through. Put the earring hook through the hole and pinched closed. Do the same with the other earring.

7. Put on your earrings and finish that cool, crisp beverage. Appreciate your coolness. You now have a one of a kind accessory.

Now aren't you crafty!

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