Every Tuesday, it’s friends, a craft, and a cocktail. Want to get involved? Start your own TCT chapter, read old Too Cute Tuesday posts, or join the fun on Facebook.

Christie: Official DJ, bartender, and beadmaker... all at once.Dorrie found this paper bead craft awhile back but we were waiting for our wallpaper connection to come through. Tonight, Dorrie had to work late and other people were gone, so it was just Christie and I.

No doubt we have all made these paper beads a million years ago when we were in elementary school but with more grown up materials, they are still fun now.

Linked here is the original post. (You have to click through and see how these beads could come out. Inspiring!) That said, we did ok.

Wallpaper book
Glue (Elmer’s is fine- squirt glue preferable)
Takeout chopsticks (or some other disposable round wooden object)

Cocktail of the Night: Christie’s Mix: Some mixture of grenadine, lemonade, rum, orange juice and/or triple sec

1. Have the longest week ever. Get to the point where you are almost dellerious with stress. But wait, it’s time for Too Cute Tuesday!

2. Have friend (Christie) show up at Craft Central and make you a cocktail and remind you that it’s time to craft! Stick nachos in the oven and take out the wallpaper book Dorrie got from an interior decorating friend. Note: Primitive patterns would be something my sister would enjoy.

I'm finally relaxing... just what my doctor would have ordered had she known I was going insane this week. Thanks Too Cute Tuesday!3. Cut a piece of wallpaper out of the book. Fold in half four times, creating thin strips of the same thickness.

4. On half of each strip, make the strip pointed. A straight edge would help if you could find it. Walk around the house looking for it and, when you can’t find it, take the nachos out of the oven and decide to ‘wing it’.

5. Starting at the thick end of each strip, roll the paper around a chopstick, using glue to hold it together.

6. Sip cocktail and watch Youtube music videos while rolling your beads. Trade beads with your fellow crafting friends for variety.

7. String the beads on the twine, knotting where you want the beads to stay. Depending on the length, you can either end up with a necklace or a beaded curtain. Decide the original posts beaded curtain must have taken forever to make so settle on a necklace.

Thanks Too Cute Tuesday for getting me out of my stressed out funk. Aren’t we crafty…. and relaxed!

Christie showing her final product. We exchanged beads with each other for a variety of colors.

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