Joe found us a theme-appropriate and delicious cocktail again this evening. Bravo! )€”Joe Horr Photo

This Tuesday, in preparation for Halloween, Too Cute Tuesday was to be a dry run for the big day this Saturday.

I decided to be inspired by the offerings at Goodwill and go as a player type of guy. Christy is going as one of her friends, and Sarah is dressing up like Mary Poppins. (Dorrie isn’t dressing up this year.)

In the holiday spirit, Too Cute Tuesday’s Cocktail Consultant Joe found a Halloween related cocktail that is delicious and made with fairly cheap and ubiquitous liquor. Yay Tuesday.

Whatever you need for your costume. Thrift stores and other peoples’ closets are amazing resources. To give you an idea, Nicole’s costume cost $40, which includes the aviator sunglasses and beagle boxer shorts she could theoretically wear again. (Pink man’s polo, not so much.)

Cocktail of the Night: Vampire Slayer
1 oz. peach schnapps, 1 oz. grenadine, 1 oz. vodka. Fill with orange juice, top with maraschino cherries (if you’re not Nicole- she dislikes them intensely).

1. Do a little pre-shopping for costume materials. No sense in buying everything but use what’s in your own closet and what friends may have in theirs.

Think of that guy that thinks he's so cool at the party. Come Saturday, Nicole will be that guy. Watch out for the pickup lines, ladies!


2. Pick up materials for Vampire Slayer and head to Craft Central.

3. Realize that everyone had last minute (and oddly financial) things to do this evening. Just Nicole and Dorrie…Skype Sarah in from Saint Louis for some fun socialization.

4. Fix the cocktail. Mmmm, since it has juice in it, figure it must also be good for a cold.

5. Experiment with drawing on bizarre facial hair for your costume. Have Dorrie burst out laughing when you come out in your costume. Exactly the reaction you are going for, and an excuse to try out bad pickup lines.

A clever costume for Halloween now means no Saturday running around. Aren’t you crafty?

Preview: This week, Wicked Cute Wednesday, the Saint Louis branch of Too Cute Tuesday is carving pumpkins. Join the Facebook page to see the fun!

So if you are dressing up this Halloween, what are you going as? Give us all some ideas!


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