Tucker Mountain Log Homes was a fun build for us. From the moment we first spoke with Judy, it was clear that everyone on the Tucker Mountain crew is dedicated to the business and delivering a quality product that their customers will love. We even got to sit down with Cliff, Judy, and “the boys” to hear them explain various projects and their unique method of construction. After that, we started our own construction process (apologies for the really corny lead-in…), here is the highlight reel from our latest website launch:

A snapshot from the old site, our starting point.

A snapshot from the old site, our starting point.

Tucker Mountain Log Homes has an incredibly photogenic business, from the logs to the building process to the finished product. It was unanimously agreed that the new site needed to showcase the aesthetics of their work, so we went for a “show, don’t tell” approach. The first place was the home page, which now has a full size featured slideshow:


The next step was showcasing the log home process from start to finish. Using the amount of high quality images we had and Judy’s recommendation of dividing the gallery among the construction process, interior shots, and the finished product, we developed a gallery that gives clients an idea of what a custom build involves, from selecting the logs to a fully assembled home.


TMLH doesn’t only build log homes- they also do decor, furniture, and refinishing.


An example of the “Before/After” images used on the Refinishing page.

So we made a page for each of these services with a photo gallery and contact form. This way, as customers browsed, they could easily get to the ‘sign up’ process, no matter what page they were on.

Besides showcasing the different types of projects the crew has done, it was also important that the website lifted some of the weight off of Judy’s shoulders in the office. So, we incorporated a couple custom forms throughout the site. These forms handle general intake questions and specific requests. It’s an easier way for Judy to collect the initial information she needs so she is only following up when the person has done research and is ready for that next step… and we hope it helps ease some of her office management burden!

Getting to meet the team was a lot of fun, and now potential customers can “meet the team,” too! In addition to the business history from the old site, everyone now has their own blurb explaining who they are and what they do at TMLH (and there’s pictures, so you can put names to faces).

These guys already had a pretty good handle on social media, so part of the rebuild process involved linking their Facebook and Instagram accounts to the site. Now whenever they’re on-site and want to share project updates on Facebook, it’ll show up on their website, too. Oh, and all those beautiful images of log homes, decor, and furniture? Totally pin-able (because, who doesn’t have a “Dream Log Home” Board on Pinterest?).

Piece of cake!

Piece of cake!

Between Kassie’s (my) content writing/curating, Nicole adding website functionality and managing the project, and Leslie creating and implementing a custom design, we were all able to use our strengths to take Tucker Mountain Log Home’s website into the 21st century. (You can check out the finished product here).

Overall, we had a great time working on this project. It’s always a pleasure to work with small businesses with big passion for what they do- thanks Tucker Mountain Log Homes and enjoy your new website!

Check out our newest offer!