We’ve been doing Tech Thursday videos for a few years now, and if you’ve been watching them, you’ve probably noticed how they’ve evolved as time has gone by. If not, we have a few examples below from our “Top 5 Tech Thursday Videos.” Most notable is probably the fact that we used to pre-film and spend time editing our videos down to 3-4 minutes. Now, we hop on Facebook Live with a topic and few key points, and away we go!

The below list is semi-subjective, mixed with videos with the most views AND those that we believe were the most helpful in general. In creating this post, it was a lot of fun to go through our Tech Thursday video archives and be reminded of our earlier days (especially the videos where we were both silly and informative).

Without further ado, here are our pics for the top 5 Tech Thursday videos:

The classic: “OGP”  

This video is set to the tune of “O.P.P.” by Naughty By Nature, with original lyrics written by Nicole about open graph protocol. The lyrics are also published in the YouTube description and are worth reading because they are very informative (Kassie is a visual learner, so if you’re like her having a chance to read through the lyrics is pretty helpful).

A Good Question: How to Find Blogs to Read

Another oldie is from a question we’ve gotten quite a bit is “Where do you find blogs to read?” If you’re looking for content to share on social media or looking for inspiration on your website, one of the best places to look is other blogs. In this video, we share where to start in the search for blogs (that are actually relevant to what you’re looking for).

From the Business Side of Things: Company Retreats 101

Earlier this year, we had our annual Breaking Even company retreat, and decided to share some tips on what ‘company retreats’ mean for smaller businesses (we also wrote a whole other blog post about it here).

Some Personal Development: Crushing Limiting Beliefs

What made this video so great is that it’s a little off our path of marketing and tech, but still relevant. In marketing and growing business, our own thoughts and beliefs (whether at the front of our brains or more subconscious) can have a huge impact on your success.

Getting Organized and Productive: Systems 101

One of our monthly themes this past year was Systems (i.e. what they are and how to create them in different areas of your life). In this 101 video, we summarize some of the things you’ll want to keep in mind if you’re thinking about creating your own systems for things.

All of our old videos are uploaded on our YouTube channel, so if you want to check those out definitely head over there!

And yes, we still take recommendations for Tech Thursday videos, so if there’s something you want to learn more about related to tech, business, marketing, social media, etc, drop us a line or write us a message on Facebook to send in your video topic! (That’s also where you’ll find us live every Thursday at 12 p.m.).

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