…or is it mangled up in tangled up knots, like the Grinch? Or those Christmas lights you’ve been trying to hang up outside?

We have a few ideas for getting your website navigation un-tangled. First of all, you want to make sure you cater to both the linear and visual thinkers by using the menu (linear) and sidebar tools, such as buttons (visual). Second, interlinking pages to one another will make viewers’ lives easier. If you have a series of blog posts, or a form that you want people to reach, just add a link on the relevant pages, and people will be much happier. And finally, begin with the end in mind (determine what page(s) on your website are the most important, and try to mindfully build around it).

We hope you enjoy this video, and that your website navigation adventure! As Nicole says, we’re glad that we’re better at handling websites than holiday decorations!

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