We cover quite a bit of ground in this week’s Tech Thursday:

    • The new Call-to-Action feature for businesses on Facebook. We just noticed it’s appearance this Monday, and while the options are not incredibly robust (yet), it seems like a pretty useful tool.
    • What to look for if your images aren’t translating well online: Usually, it’s an issue with file size (i.e. trying to make a picture bigger than it actually is), but you may also want to consider the file type and what kind of device it’s going to be viewed on.
    • The increase in videos on Facebook for mobile devices (here’s the article Nicole references in the video). We’re curious- is it just a coincidence since we’re in the same area? Or are other people seeing this, too?
    • 2015: The Year of the Systems. It seems that at the beginning of this year, more business and personal improvement suggestions involve systematizing, well, everything.

If you have any questions or topics for Tech Thursday, give us a shout at www.breakingeveninc.com/contact!

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