You may have noticed some recent (though minor) changes on this site. I’d like to explain.

First of all, I’ve successfully purchased a new domain: A friend has helped me make it so when you type in, you will get to a page which talks about my freelancing (though to get to the blog, just click on the link). You will notice in the header that the blog is now titled "Breaking Even, Inc." to go with the new, easy-to-remember web address.

Breaking Even, Inc. is still a personal finance blog with a personality. The free content of the Breaking Even, Inc. blog gives people not only a reason to visit this site daily but also gives me a reason to write everyday about a fun and fascinating topic. Breaking Even, Inc. in addition to being a blog is also now a site where my freelance communciations work will be anchored. Check out the Breaking Even, Inc. Communications link to the left to learn more about what I can do!

Besides a slightly changed name and a web-based communications business (as if that wasn’t enough, right?), I’m also now part of the BlogHer ads network. This means I may actually generate funds to break even on the costs associated with this blog. I hope you don’t mind a little advertising. Just think of it as good things for your friend Nicole. And if you want to click on the ad, feel free but certainly don’t feel obligated.

So Breaking Even, Inc. is still Breaking Even, just a little bigger and better. And I hope you think so, too.

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