So in the last few weeks, we've found out that Julia Child was a spy, the KFC secret chicken recipe had to be transported by guards, Bank of America bought Merril Lynch in the middle of the night, and the Fed wants one guy to control $700 billion to keep us out of a recession. What's with all the secrets lately?

InspectorGadget Well, I'm tired of the secrets. I want to use this link roundup to do a little demystifying of my own. Enjoy these great articles; I sure did!

Car Dealerships Demystified at Get Rich Slowly
If you're thinking of getting another car or selling your own car, get inside the brain of a car dealer. Knowledge is power!

Your Credit Score Demystified Via BudgetsAreSexy and Wisebread
Even in my earliest blogging days, I knew how to get free credit reports. But a free score? Cool!

Thrift Store Fashion Demystified at DC Goodwill Blog
Thrift store shopping is a great way to save a few bucks. (I'm pretty well dressed and I'm sure if I told people over 50% of my closet is thrift store clothes, they'd be shocked.) DC Goodwill Blog is among the best fashion blogs I've seen because it talks about real things you could (or may already) actually own. If you want to hone your skills picking out good pieces at the discount stores, skim this blog for awhile.

Buying Stocks Demystified at Blunt Money
A mere few months ago, people thought you were kind of an idiot if you didn't own any stocks. Blunt Money reminds us to proceed with caution on these sorts of things and with the last couple weeks, I'd say thinking before buying is definitely smart.

Identity Theft Demystified from
I first heard from this guy on a podcast. Ok, so obituaries with your family's names in them could be used against you but come on. But while John Sileo is a little paranoid, he is right. There is lots of free stuff (at the very least advice and resources) on his site about how to reduce your risk of identity theft.

Adulthood Demystified at CheapHealthyGood
A few weeks ago, a theoretical course on adult hood geared for high school students was posted at Cheap Healthy Good. Check out parts one and two of the curriculum. Cool, huh? I'm going to read up on my weak points for sure.

So maybe there are some things that aren't so secret…Good thing, because while I am pretty good at keeping secrets, I certainly don't like to.

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