Over the weekend, I had two great house guests. One is my V-have friend S. The other was her 1.5 year old daughter I.

To keep my apartment from being the potential death trap it normally is, I looked around, squatting, hoping to spot the potential hazards. I took the portable potential death traps and stored them in my car for the weekend (remember my 220 square foot apartment with no closets?). The other ones were moved to inconvenient locations after which I hoped for the best.

Of course, the kiddo was pretty chill and I had the best built in toy ever: my smallish dog. Both Sadie and I are still recovering from all that energy (we slept a lot last night) so I thought it may be a good time to talk about some fun stuff I've stumbled across recently.

1 Chicken, $17 Meals, $26 Bucks, No Mayo from Cheap Healthy Good
No one can stretch a food buck better then Cheap Healthy Good. My one beef with them is they don't like mayo, which I love.

A Story Of Sucky Roommates from Master Your Card
If anyone can write a story, it's Kristy and there are several ministories in one. Makes me feel a little less indulgent for wanting to live by myself!

Do Nigerian Scam Artists Catch More Flies With Threats Of Detainment? from Wisebread
I always thought those Nigerian scam artist things were kind of interesting…and this post by Linsey Knerl really gets into one of them. 

An Amazing Video on the Relevance of Technology from Maine PR Maven
Nancy posted this video awhile back and I finally watched all five minutes tonight. Blew my mind. Well worth the five minutes it takes to watch it (and forward it to anyone who thinks this whole computer thing will pass.)

Using Google Calendar To Pay Bills On Time from Free From Broke
I've been using Google Calendar for about three weeks. It's changed my life. Seriously. And if organizing your life isn't a good enough reason, use it to remember to pay bills.

Your Logo Makes Me Barf from Give Me Back My Five Bucks
Completely unrelated to anything, this made me chuckle. (The second link on the list is funnier then the first but both will make you feel like you have serious art skills compared to some people out there.)

Happy Monday!


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