So it's back to the grind today. I had such a nice Christmas and got the super-popular Wii (with Wii Fit) from my family. We had such fun playing it that I went to bed last night with the step aerobics music in my head. You know you have a problem when…

This week despite being busy-ish, I participated in the Carnival of Personal Finance. It was hosted by Andy at Saving to Invest. If you ever want to see a bunch of blogs related to a single topic together, checking out the posts at a carnival is a good way to do it.

Here are some other posts I liked:

A website that's good if you're shopping for a new credit card (via Give Me Back My Five Bucks).

How to work lentils, yum (via Wisebread).

Readers share their top three money saving tips (via Squawkfox).

When you shop, do you love the object or the experience (via Almost Frugal).

A Quiz: Are You The Entreprenurial Type? (via Get Rich Slowly)

Confess you shopping sins at (via GRS)

Some of these links are a couple months old, I know. But I move a little slow; did I mention my Wii age is 8 years above my actual age? My goal is by the end of these next few months to not have my little Mii (that's a Wii character that represents me) have a little spare tire around the midsection (the program does that automatically if you are overweight—D'oh!).

Don't worry, I'm not about to give up my internet career for ski jumping (which I am a pro at in Wii-land). But it is a nice way to move a little more and play with family and friends.

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