Last week, I was slammed with the classic terrible summer cold. I am feeling better now but it did make me miss having sick days just a little bit…

Here are some interesting things I’ve read:

Pay What You Want Taxi @ Boston Gal’s Open Wallet
‘Freakonomics’ originally found that pay-as-you-go systems were actually profitable and here’s another example of that.

Sold! @ Rural Runway
I am often guilty for forgetting about eBay. Boy am I happy when I remember though. Just last week, I scored a fantastic brand new Anne Klein silk dress for $40. A fellow Maine blogger, the gal at Rural Runway talks fashion and how to sell it for fun and profit on eBay. Great tips.

Nine Really Weird Ways To Make Money @ Moolanomy
It’s all about a diversified stream of income these days. Here are some odd ways to make money you probably haven’t thought of from

Five Free and Frugal Ways To Search For Apartments @ Almost Frugal
A list of some free online tools to figure out if an apartment is right for you. It’s things I never would have thought of, like a site that looks at how pedestrian friendly a neighborhood is and a tool to see what rents typically cost in a particular area.

Telling My Daughter About Her New Friend, The Salesclerk @ Wisebread
It’s back to school time and just on my Facebook account, I see my high school age acquaintances bombarding their parents with “Can I have this?” requests. I really liked this post about the Frugal Duchess having a frank conversation with her daughter about why the salesclerk was so nice. I’m sure it was hard for the girl to hear but she is on her way to becoming a more savy consumer then some adults.

Compound Interest: 1 Percent Can Make All The Difference @ Get Rich Slowly
Everyone who thinks I’m a nerd for having a retirement account since I was in my teens, please read about compound interest. If you even click the link above, there is a little graphic so you don’t even have to read text but can visually see how rich I will theoretically be when I am old and not working.

Confessions of a Textbook Salesman @ Money Under 30
An interesting article about why text books (college ones in particular) are so expensive as well as a few practical things you can do to cut costs. Plus David is a totally nice guy… I went to college with him!

I am also using my Digg account to bookmark other articles I find that I like (mostly the stuff that doesn’t have to do with money).

If you have some cool links to share, feel free to comment below or friend me on Digg. Happy Friday!

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