I have been sucking down fluids, alternating between coffee and Emergence-C for days. Sure I've been going to bed too late and working/playing hard but now is not the time to be getting sick. It never is, right?

I seem to be coming across a lot of interesting health articles (probably because I'm paying close attention to them subconsciously, looking for an edge), though some I've been saving for awhile.

Uncluttering as a way to a healthful life, well, in part. This article has some ideas I've been trying to get at for awhile about freeing yourself of stuff and only surrounding yourself with things you love (from Unclutterer)

College kids eat less food in the caf without trays. Makes sense to me. This is why I don't keep a lot of junk food in the house and eat off of small plates (from Freakonomics)

Don't work harder, work smarter with interval training. Because if you're anything like me, you'd just as soon work out less. (from No Calories Needed)

Cheap Healthy Good is one of the most rocking healthy food blogs, right up there with Cookbooks 101 and Almost Frugal Food. If you think healthy food is boring, read any of these. (Lots of recipes in addition to fun reading).

Are you trying to go paraben free in 2009? Me too. It's healthier without them and thanks to some research, there are actually some affordable parbaen-free beauty products. (from Wisebread)

And of course what would we all blog about without the New York Times? Love drug (and its counterpart) discovered and a new way to stretch.

Best wishes for you and your health!

Other health-related posts:
Will The Recession Make Us Fatter or Skinnier?
Nine Things You Can Do For Your Health That Cost Less Then $1

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