Improving A Blog’s Position In Search Results

I like to blog but, as with anything else, there is a certain amount of periphreal stuff to do like networking and techy chores. The last few days, I have been working on search engine optimization.

The more tech aspects of blogging I have been learning as I go. I submitted my blog to all kinds of directories and I added Google Analytics to my page. I’ve been reading lots of Problogger articles. Still I wanted to further increase my traffic. (Who doesn’t?)

I pumped one of my co-workers who is great with search engine optimization for what I could do with my blog. Here were his suggestions:

1) Use “Header 1” or larger fonts so when the spiders are crawling your web site, they know what is most important.

2) Submit your link to search engines (which I actually hadn’t done yet).

3) Choose good keywords. You want ones that people will be searching for but that fewer web sites use. There is a great article about Keyword Research in my list of articles about how it works.

4) Update your site at the same time every day. This is so the crawlers know when to come back to your site. (Spiders, crawlers, and robots are the same thing; you can read more about them here.)

5) Create a sitemap.

6) Use pay-per-click ads (Like Google Adsense) and do other things to increase the amount of links on your site.

Google has some Webmaster Tools that actually help you build a sitemap, which I’m working on now. I’m pro-Google but I’m sure other companies have software that can help you accomplish some of these goals. I hope this was of help and I hope my work on this yeilds me some more visitors like yourself!

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