Seth Godin is a well-respected thought leader about marketing, company culture, branding, and business in general. And for a long time, I’ve really held off on making this video because, unlike Seth, I don’t have an MBA or one million blog readers… but that doesn’t mean I don’t have something to say about his takes.

Something strikes me as odd about this video, mainly because it doesn’t seem like Seth does a lot of press. I’m wondering if Brian Rose paid Seth Godin’s listed speaker fee of between $50-$100K to get him on the show. (This is speculation.)

Seth has great examples and analogies but also a lot of privilege, which he somewhat seems to understand but doesn’t use to elevate other voices or even articulate in an explicit way. Some missed opportunities here but I did learn something, which is more than I can say for a lot of the grifters I’ve covered in the “Nicole Reacts” series so far.

OG video:

Resources Mentioned:

Nicole Reacts To Garyvee (see guru trailer at the beginning):

Nicole Reacts To Kevin David (see guru trailer at the beginning):

The Artist’s Way book I reference (I was a very deep high schooler):

Working with your 28-day hormonal cycle as an IFAB:

A blog I wrote in 2014 about how you only need 300 fans to survive as a business:

How we hold a retreat for a very small company:

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