Matt Morris is a networking marketing trainer who has written a lot of books for someone who doesn’t call himself an author. He also doesn’t get very specific about some important parts of his story.

OG video:

Other Resources Mentioned:

The last video where screen sharing was involved was Jason and Cristi, MLM trainers who chaotically tried to toggle between 10+ slide presentations:

Nicole Reacts: Tanya Aliza (at least she was realistic about the time social media can take):

Creating Better DIY Marketing Content Part One:

Creating Better DIY Marketing Content Part Two:

My dog’s Instagram that someone else maintains:

Nicole Reacts: Jenna Kutcher:

My live stream about Dave Hollis’ changes in monetization strategy and how he confused his audience:

The proposal software I reference (not an affiliate):

Nicole Reacts: Amy Potterfield:

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