So my email got sold to a lady boss empire, delivering this week’s subject straight to me. This got my marketing senses tingling for two reasons: 1) this person is going after very young women and 2) her day job is a professor, which means she is getting a yearly list of “targeted leads” through her classroom doors. It is a little bit icky. OK, in my opinion, a lot icky. Note: I taught a college class one semester and didn’t continue mainly because the pay sucked ($1800 as an adjunct for a trimester. Adding in class time, prep time, and office hours, I think I made like $5/hour)… but I also didn’t see my students as customers. And while I hope this woman doesn’t sell things to her students either, I’m wondering if she slides into their DMs after graduation…

Please note this woman is smart, and I am making this video to show you not just how you can ‘brand’ yourself differently when you teach students versus when you sell women empowerment but also what I think is really behind these fake multi-day free online learning summits which is an excuse for coaches to sell low ticket offers and introduce themselves to each others’ audiences. It’s a lot of marketing, pink, building a boss lady network, and we’ll even slip in some geology in here somehow. Lucky you…

Resources Mentioned:

Bulletproof Inbox:
(Note: I am getting It for free, but if you want to try it, tell them I sent you by either mentioning Nicole Ouellette or Breaking Even at signup – there is a ten-day free trial if you want to check it out. More detailed video incoming!)

The sign up page:

New Ventures Maine: (It used to be called Women Work and Community- check regional profits that have an economic development arm. Some programs might not *specifically say they are only for women but might have programming focused on women-owned businesses. Ex: a regional non-profit near our New York office just launched a microloan program, and the first two businesses are women-owned:

Examples of online communities of female graphic designers: contrast checker tool:

The presenter Debra’s website:

My two part series about how I think companies should handle marketing interns
Part One: Giving Your Marketing Intern A Project They Can Be Successful At
Part Two Giving Your Intern Training And Feedback:

Well, you used to be able to submit scripts to Hallmark but I guess not anymore!

Asymmetric boudinage (basically a vein of formerly molten rock that got fractured and stretched so it kind of looks like sausage or ‘boudin’ in French:

The Supergirlls website with NFTs, Coaching, Web 3.0, and every other marketing trendy thing you can think of:

Jean McPhilips less girl boss-y identity:

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