At the end of the week, I write about whatever I want. Because I can.

I’ve been long teased about how much I like Peeps. I figured there was no way they were manufacturing them just for my benefit though!

Peeps are little marshmallow animals with a sugar-y coating on the outside. Yellow chicks are the normal color shape but now you can get all kinds of other shapes and colors. It’s a great time of year for them but you can get them in seasonal varieties for most major holidays now (green trees for example in December). No more waiting for Easter baskets!

My favorite thing to do with my stash is slit open the package and let them age 2-3 weeks so they get a little crisp on the outside. Here are some people who are far more clever:

From my friend John, it was Peeps Sushi from Serious Eats:

Peeps sushi, not quite so 'serious eats'.

All you need is Rice Krisipie squares, Fruit by the Foot, and Peeps to create. For the instructions and more photos, click here.

From my friend Kate, results from the fourth annual Washington Post Peep Diorama contest. (I think they called it that so I’d finally have to learn to spell ‘diorama’). Here’s the winner:

The winning entry, inspired by Up! the movie. And here I am just letting them get stale. Some people are inspiring!

It was impressive to see how many were politically or children’s book inspired. To see more of the entries, click here for the complete slideshow.

And then of course there’s the Peep wreath, sent to me by a well meaning crafter as a Too Cute Tuesday idea (if you are the one who sent me this, let me know, I seem to have forgotten who to credit!):

The peep wreath, making you wonder if you dug further how many Peep-related crafts are out there.

And I just got an email from my friend Tom, linking to all kinds of ways I could cook with Peeps:

I can think of few things that would class up a glass more.

For even more recipe ideas (and no don’t to its), click here to check out Peep week at Urlesque.

In short whether you want to eat them or not, you can wait until Monday and they are 50% off and buy packages for a few cents apiece and create something truly unique.

Share the love of Peeps, or tell me why I’m crazy for liking them!

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