This series was inspired by Quarter Life Poetry and my fascination with Microsoft Paint. There are all kinds of excuses why people aren’t making online donations and, as the appeals letters, commercials, and annual asks roll in during the most generous time of the year, we like to think of this series as your public service announcement to get your cause (or your favorite non-profit) a donation form on your own website. More information here! 


Part 6: 69% of people use their phones and other mobile devices for banking, including paying bills. Many times, these payments are recurring and automatic- an added layer of convenience. As a result, having a checkbook nearby has become unnecessary for most people. If you’re relying on donations via check, you might be leaving money on the table (especially from people who misplace their checkbooks or don’t know where they are in the first place). Getting a donation form up and running on your site is easy, and you’ll more than make your money back (just ask our friends at SFOA!).


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