Here's a followup to the Best Buy fiasco yesterday.

On my lunch break, I called the Best Buy store in Bangor Maine (where the transaction occured) and got no answer, then the corporate headquarters of Best Buy to resolve my issue. Apparently, I have to go into the store to resolve this dispute.

That's right, people. I paid Best Buy to mess up my computer to the point now where I can't plug in the original power cord. In addition, I am a theif, and a bad one. I should have at least "stolen" something I could actually use since I don't even own a Nintento gaming system.

Am I going to drive an hour in each direction? No. Should I have to? Definitely not. But this doesn't end here. 

I'm going to contact my credit card company and report fradulent charges, since I never recieved the merchandise. Friends have told me that nine times out of ten, your credit card company will go to bat for you. I am also filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau about this.

I also ask you to share your bad customer service experiences. If someone did you wrong, I'd love to boycott them with you.

In the meantime, I'd like to go on record as saying please do not go to Best Buy for your tech needs. I certainly won't again.

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