Ah, productivity. Our capitalist society makes us feel like we could always be doing more and every guru on earth acts like you watching a sitcom at night instead of grinding means you’ll never be as rich as them.

I have long suspected I have ADHD (I was definitely called ‘weird’ as a kid way too much to be neurotypical) but when my psych eval said I was fine, I kind of moved on… but with the nagging feeling that maybe I was only pretending to work all day.

And so, I decided to try an automated time tracking app called Rize.io for a couple of months and see what I could learn about my own productivity, mainly:

What do I do all day? and

Are my work-from-home days actually more productive than I think they are?

In this broadcast, I talk about the pros and cons but essentially, I am working, my focus is decent, and working from home seems to change what hours I’m working versus making me work less time per day.

I kind of want to check out rescuetime.com, as it’s half the price and gives me real time feedback… but the Rize reports I get weekly and the customizations I can make to the automated time tracking are interesting enough to make me consider staying a bit longer.


  • Nice interface
  • Daily and weekly productivity reports
  • Highly customizable
  • Google Calendar integration (it knows when I have meetings… sometimes)
  • Rumored to be a data hog
  • Rumored to not be great on Windows computers
  • No phone interface (my phone is where I get more distracted!)
  • In-person meetings, phone calls, etc would have to be manually added
  • Kind of expensive at $14.99 a month
Another creator had a great review of this software last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq6lJZWN5xo&ab_channel=freeCodeCamp.org

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