Too Cute Tuesday: Hand Turkeys

Wait a minute, it’s not Tuesday! Oh, that’s right, we moved TCT to Wednesday this week (Wicked Cute Wednesday) because Sue had visiting relatives. But even the best laid plans sometimes don’t materialize…

Christie and I made hand turkeys that were meant to be togther... until we realized we wanted to keep our respective creations. Oh well, Thanksgiving was never good to turkeys anyway!

Enter a few unrelated family crises among the TCT regulars (Is it me or are the holidays coming?). Christie and I ended up just crafting at my apartment and tabled Sue’s craft for next week. But what craft would we do now that plans had changed?

Looking to our sister group Wicked Cute Wednesday, we decided that hand turkeys would not only be an easy and slightly campy way to go but would also provide us with a random Thanksgiving decoration for next week.

The cocktail is a fun nod to last night’s meteor shower, appropriately called ‘meteor shower’.

Markers or colored pencils
Hard surface

Cocktail of the Day: Meteor shower

This Week In Business: Switched Around Week Edition

What happened to Too Cute Tuesday? Nothing! It’s just that this week it’s going to be on Wednesday. So the usual ‘this week in business’ update has been switched to today.

(Interestingly, Too Cute Tuesday has branched off into Wicked Cute Wednesday in St. Louis, which is more convenient for Sarah’s graduate school schedule. Be friendly with them on Facebook, too. The crafting and cocktail movement is spreading!)

The new Too Cute Tuesday logo. I know, hot.
Good news is plenty has happened since last week:
I found the one…well, accountantwise anyway.

The relationship between a small business owner and her accountant is important. They can help you make good decisions and help you plan the future of your business as they learn about your hopes, dreams, and fears. Sure, I am making it sound touchy feely but seriously, you end up working a ton with this person and there has to be some clicking if it’s going to be a functional relationship.

I’ve been shopping around and I was looking for someone who would educate me on the things that I could learn about yet do what I couldn’t.

Marketing Monday: The Juice 2.0 Conference

If you want to organize a good conference, take a lead from the Juice 2.0 folks! Meanwhile, if you think your business should be profiled as part of Marketing Monday, do contact me.

What I Learned Losing The Juice 2.0 Conference Pitch Contest

In my world, no news is bad news. If I have something good to say, I’ll change my status update of Facebook, tweet, write a blog, or call my mother (or all four).

It is no coincidence that I was pretty quiet online Friday and Saturday, in part because I didn’t even make round one of the pitch session. (And in part because there was no working internet connection at this conference!).

I will say that the conference was a worthwhile one to attend and that I will go back when they have the follow-up version two years from now. Here are some general observations from my two days at Juice 2.0 Conference:


This Week In Business: Pitch Session Edition

To many, I am known for my charm and my habit of procrastination, no more so by my sometimes copy editor/ oftentimes friend John.

I posted on Facebook that I was looking for a few sets of eyes to look at a one page pitch I was going to present this coming weekend.

“When’s it due?” he asked.

“Tomorrow,” I said. I added a little wink, you know, for charm.

He proceeded to tell me I should be more on top of this kind of stuff and that’s when I told him I had decided to go to this pitch session the day before.

Another exciting week at Breaking Even Communications!

A creative economy conference in Camden where I could get some funding for my business? Yes, please!

I will be presenting my ‘pitch’ at the Juice Conference for a chance at $25,000 in funding.
Would a little capital make me sleep easier at night? Definitely!

But just as important as winning the grand prize would be to get the opportunity to present in front of funders and get some feedback on my business. (OK, it might rock a little more to win, but still…) According to the email information I got, there are about 40 participants. Gulp. Here’s me getting my game on for Friday.

Two Years Later

Many people think this blog is more about me than it is.

Most of the time, I am writing about 25% of my life, carefully chosen parts even. I figure my name and business are on this publication and there is a certain level of formality I keep in the interest of clients and potential clients reading it. There is personality behind things certainly but I bet if you think of more controversial topics, you’ll notice they aren’t on the Breaking Even blog.

In addition to self protection, I also feel that the topics I cover (saving money, business, marketing) are a bit more interesting to my audience than a blog about all things Nicole Ouellette would be. (I mean, I’m not Oprah!)

But it’s hard to ignore this date and what it means personally. So I won’t.

Two years ago, my life changed when my father unexpectedly drowned.

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