Why I Am Taking A Break From Online Dating

I wrote this over two weeks ago and debated posting it because it is a little personal. But I think maybe it might be helpful for other people to read, as I found it really helpful for me to write.

When I was growing up, the most important quality a person could have was to be hardworking. This trait has translated well for me in school, in my career, in living within a budget, and has in general helped me attain a lot of what I want in life.

The one place where this trait has not served me well is in my love life. I think part of me, up until very recently, has thought that if I worked hard enough to get and then maintain a relationship with a good man that I would find ‘the one’, and maybe some additional happiness.

This Week In Business: Cyber Siren

I spent most of this week finishing a really big project. It’s always interesting how you can be in the middle of something big and wonder if you are ever going to finish. Then, when the due day comes, it somehow seems to come together. Here’s this week at Breaking Even Communications:

The MaineBiz article about me appeared…and I was a ‘cyber siren’!
John (my former boyfriend now friend who had written the initial press release) told me I should be ready for any angle the press wanted to use in the story. He told me I shouldn’t be above using my youth, good looks, being formerly in the newspaper industry, having a family who owns a small business, or other details about my life that the writer may want to expound on.

Too Cute Tuesday: Seaglass Jewelry

For the second week in a row, my craft actually came out reasonably well. How happy am I!

This Too Cute Tuesday started off pretty stressful but it further proved of the power of crafting, good friends, and a bottle of Syrah.

Right before we were scheduled to head to Craft Central, Sadie decided to break out of the apartment while I was in the shower. I realized my mistake after a few quiet moments.

I put on clothes and walked the street with dog treats in my pocket and dripping hair, showing strangers Sadie’s picture. No one had seen her. I returned home after ten minutes and decided to call the police department.

“White and tan dog?”
“Burn on her tail?”
“Well one of the officers tried to pick her up…”

Oh crap. Sadie hates to be picked up. So, Sadie bit a police officer. Fan- freakin-tastic.

Would You Take A Pay Cut For A Stress Cut?

Recently I did the math and have found my weekly income has dropped about 20% from what it was when I was working full time at the newspaper and part time on my internet marketing business. (To refresh, I am now working full time at my internet marketing business full and part time at an inn.)

But here’s what my life looks like at my part time job:

Feet up on a wicker chair overlooking the ocean. Yup, my part time gig is hard.

Cheap And Easy Fashion With Free (Vintage) Accessories

You too can beautifully stare off into the middle distance with a cool cuff.My aunt has been the keeper of a lot of my grandmother’s and great grandmother’s jewelry.

My great grandmother liked the flashy costume stuff, my grandmother prefered the earthy or antique-y things as a general rule. Some pieces are easy to attibute to one woman or the other but others are a little more difficult.

Recently, my aunt cleaned out her collection and via my mother passed on some things to me.

It was perfect timing, since I have been feeling the urge to buy new clothes but having neither the money to buy them or place to put them.

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