This week, Lindsay Lohan’s nude pictures for New York Magazine crashed their web site and got lots of people talking. It doesn’t take a genius to know sex sells and naked pictures of the attractive and famous sell especially well.
The whole incident made me think of college. I took an art class, not knowing a nude art model would show up in class half way through the semester. When Naked Guy walked in with a robe that fateful day, I couldn’t believe it was going to happen. Of course, after staring at him naked those three hours, I began to notice him everywhere on campus. The uncomfortable feeling I had every time I saw Naked Guy made me glad I didn’t ever try nude modeling… Or did it?
A nude model for the art class was the highest paying job on campus. I could have made $15 an hour versus the $5 an hour I made driving the security van, working in the planetarium, and manning the front desk of the science building. I could have worked less than I did and had more money. Darn my inhibitions at the time!
The Dartmouth has a good article about the psychology behind being a nude art model, meaning that there’s more to it then being the type of person who can walk around naked and not care. Meanwhile, an online search doesn’t yield much information as far as how much money nude pictures go for, which I’m guessing means the whole practice is fairly subjective and sometimes sketchy.
Perhaps you are uninhibited enough to give this a shot. Most art classes are at least a couple hours long and the hours vary, making this lucrative part time work. If you are interested, start by contacting the art department or your local adult education center for contacts. A comprehensive list of things to bring with you on the job can be found at good ol’ wikiHow.
Meanwhile, would you ever pose nude for an art class (or have nude photos taken) for money? Also if you’ve ever made some nude money (ok, let me rephrase, legit nude money), do share.
Photo of Rodin’s La Penseur statue:…/