Take Part In This Fun, Easy Contest!

Rachaelsandwich2As I mentioned about a month ago, I saw some fabulous films by Julia Radochia. She was kind enough to send me a copy of all her short films to be auctioned off. A few words from Julia: "I’ve written, directed, edited, produced/co-produced several short films that have been screened in festivals. My partner in filmmaking is Jeremy Ward who has not only helped me produce my films, but has also done sound, composed and performed music, as well as gaffed, ADed, etc. My films are: LIKE HIS FATHER, JIMMY’S HOUSE OF HUGS, SALLY’S DREAM HOUSE, EDDIE’S WINNING DATE, GO FAUX and I JUST WANT TO EAT MY SANDWICH. All have been in festivals, some more than others, with most of them having won at least one award. I’m also working on finishing up my more experimental/musical piece HAPPY AT HOME."

These funny, short films are funny and true to life and you need to get them through Julia if you want them (they are working on distribution). So what I’m saying is these neat films are an exclusive offer, and free to you if you win my little contest. 

In 250 words or less, write about your favorite form of cheap entertainment. It could be a hobby or game or even a website, basically telling us what is this cheap entertainment and why is it fun. Email submissions to nicole@breakingeveninc.com. In the subject line, write "I Want A Hug" (House of Hugs Production Company, get it?). Entries are due May 31.

The winner will have their entry published on this blog (linked to their website, of course) and get the movies in the mail. Good luck!   

Check out the House of Hugs Productions website to learn more about Julia and the movies…

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