This series on fashion is inspired by a few great fashion related posts and bloggers I've been reading lately as well as a really positive response I got from a comment I left on another blog. A young woman was asking what she should get for a work wardrobe without spending a fortune. I gave this some thought and then commented on the ten pieces I'd recommend she get. I got an email back, complimenting my complete list and saying it would serve as a shopping list.
Over the next two weeks I'll be doing a post on each article of clothing as well as photographing some of my outfits. Enjoy!
You may remember a previous blog about the wonderfulness of Threadless T-shirts. Cheap and unique (and they are nice and long as in you don't have to worry that you are showing your belly to the world), I myself have bought a Threadless t-shirt in a bright color with a graphic print. One bold t-shirt with graphic can take you far. Come on the journey with me…
Jeans and a t-shirt: it's a beautiful thing. Embrace your inner 90s with a long sleeve underneath. I did a zippered version with a collar I can pop up and some print flats to make the ensemble a little less blah.
My favorite Casual Friday outfit is taking a suit and putting a graphic tee instead of a dress shirt. You can even swap out the dress pants for jeans and still look very put together. My pin-striped blazer will make another appearance later in this series but as you can see, the cut and pattern make it modern but timeless. I even paired the whole thing with dark pink heels which are a little different then the red shirt, another small nod to the fact I don't take myself too seriously.
I dragged out the acid wash in part to make my photographer laugh (as you can see from the photo, I was getting a little punchy towards the end of the shoot). Really though, pairing your t-shirt with a favorite skirt can be unexpected (I've worn it with my pencil skirt more then a few times!). Because it's freezing cold in Maine, I threw on my leggings and some flats, though boots would also work. The fedora works with the other trendy items (trendy leggings, flats, and t-shirt) and takes some attention away from the acid wash skirt.
Graphic Print T-shirt, Threadless, $15
Tips on a Graphic Print T-shirt: Look for a shirt with a thicker cotton or cotton poly blend. Those flimsy cotton t-shirts you get at someplace like American Eagle or Abercrombie are too see-through and can only work if you have a rockin' body. Look for a longer shirt so your stomach does not make an appearance at work when you do things like sit down or reach for something on a shelf. Find a flattering color on you: Pale skin looks good with pastels, medium skin looks great with "crayon colors", olive looks great with jewel tones. (I read this in a company break room magazine that is no longer there so you'll have to take my word for it!) Get a shirt with a few colors in it to increase our matching possibilities. Oh, and have fun picking it out, then you're certain to have fun wearing it!
Check out the other posts in this series:
Top Ten Female Wardrobe Staples: The Cotton Sweater
Top Ten Female Wardrobe Staples: The Crisp White Shirt