I’m all for coupons. They’re a good idea and I have absolutely no problem taking the time to cut them out (or, as we have now entered the internet age, seek them out).

I’ve tried a few coupon sites. Coupons.com has coupons for things I never buy (but they’re on my Google toolbar, you know, just in case). I have subscribed to CoolSavings.com  for free daily emails (just a warning is that it takes a little while to sign up since they make you go through about 5 screens before you’re officially signed up). Couponchief.com has an RSS feed and coupons for major online and store retailers. Ultimatecoupons.com is for online retailers only. Basically, I want to save a couple bucks at the grocery store, etc. without having to think a lot. None of the above sites really deliver for me, so far anyway.

Grocgame_3 I’ve heard of The Grocery Game in sevaral magazines and, while it is a paid service, they have a try-four-weeks-for-$1 promotion so I couldn’t resist. The site combs through the best deals and then tell you, based on your zip code, the deals at different stores. Of course, there is only one store for my area but I’m giving it a shot anyway. That and I’m subscribing to a Sunday paper. Will do a cost-benefit analysis for a future post.

In the meantime, anyone have some fool-proof coupon sites or sources?

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