Here is my theoretical entirely free day (and a fun way to share some free stuff links).

I wake up and take a shower, washing my hair and body I've purchased at Rite Aid that is free after I sent in the recipts for a Rite Aid Single Check Rebate.

After drying off, I'll eat a sample of Kashi oatmeal I got for free from the company (Subscribing to Money Saving Mom and Northern Cheapskate allows me to know when these free offers have them. but if you need instant gratification check out some freebie websites.) and drink some Seatles Best coffee that I also got as a free offer from the company. (This came in the cutest little coffee container ever by the way.)

After brushing my teeth and flossing with products I got free from my last dental check up and putting on clothes I got from hosting a clothing swap party, I will head out for a walk around the neighborhood with my dog friend, using plastic bags from the grocery store to pick up any business she may try to leave on people's lawns.

When I get home, I'll have a refreshing glass of water with mint from the garden in it. I'll then call friends with an internet phone service like Skype or get everyone in on the same conference call using

Feeling like getting out of the neighborhood, I may throw on a necklace I got for a trade at SwapStyle.

I'll walk into town and stope by my favorite coffee place where they owe me a free coffee after punching my customer loyalty card ten times. I'll peruse the web including my favorite blogs on the free Wi-fi connection. I'll sit in a park and read the latest book I got from PaperBackSwap of SwapTree. For lunch I'll use a manufacturers coupon to try a free frozen meal that I can buy at my local grocery store on my walk home.

At this point, my life has been all fun so this afternoon, I'll need to do something productive. I'll visit Learning At Your Own Pace (Lynda) and learn something new using a free online tutorial. I'll also do a few hours of work for the Maine Time Bank which I can later exchange for time dollars toward a future project.

When I check the mail, a movie from my free Netflix trial will be waiting in the mailbox. I'll use the coupon for a free pizza from giving blood at a blood drive for my dinner. Later in the evening, I'll flip through the free decorating magazines I've gotten from taking surveys online and possibly look at Craigs List or Freecyle for more free stuff within driving range before hitting the hay.

Ah free-dom!

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