I’ve been scouting financial RSS feeds the past week or so for the best money-saving tax tips for the smaller income folks like myself. Here are three that sound like they may help some: “
1) Make $15,500 AGI and contributed $2,000+ to your retirement? Uncle Sam has a deal for you! (Via Kiplinger’s) Don’t know your AGI? Figure it out with this handy calculator.
2) Have stock or other investments? In 2008, investors also have a rare opportunity to take profits on stocks or funds and pay no tax…While most investors pay a 15% tax on capital gains, those in the two lowest brackets, which this year means taxable income up to $65,100 for a married couple filing jointly or $32,550 for individuals, ordinarily pay 5%. This year, they pay nothing. (From Kiplingers)
3) Also CNN has ten tax breaks mainly for those with homes, retirement accounts, or kiddos.
Discuss these with your tax professional or keep these in mind when you are doing your own taxes, that is if you haven’t done them already… Guess what I’m doing this weekend?