Category Dave Ramsey NFCC CCCS Avg American Me
Charitable Giving 10-15% 4%   ? 1%
Housing 25-35% 24% 20-30% 24-30% 25%
Utilities 5-10% incl. in Housing 4-7% 5-6% incl. in Housing
Food 5-15% 14% 15-20% 15% 14%
Transportation 10-15% 17% 6-20% 18% 14%
Medical 5-10% 6% 2-8% 6% 4%
Clothing 2-7% 6% 2-4% 4% 4%
Invest/Savings 5-10% 13% 5-10% ? 20%
Debt Payments 5-10% 13% 15-20% ? 0%
Misc. (Personal, Recreation,Life Ins.) 5-10% 5% 5-10% 9% 19%

Chart modified from Debt Free Desitiny

So how do you compare to the average American? Well, I found this great chart comparing what Dave Ramsey, the National Foundation of Credit Counseling, and Consumer Credit Counseling. I decided for fun to put in the numbers from yesterday's NYT graphic as well as my own (by the way, I'm shamed by my charitable giving. Yikes!).

Apparently Americans are pretty well on track as far as most areas of budgeting go. How do you measure up?

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