Elledecor Money Saving Mom as part of one of her lists awhile back sent a link to recieve free issues of Elle Decor magazine. Since I am a sucker for getting stuff in the mail (and decorating), I went for it. It was a survey about my hair removal habits. After a string of questions that were a little bizarre (I had to have a 200ish character soliliquy at the end talking about the last hair removal product I used) though not more then a page, I pressed submit without another thought. I figured the whole thing was probably bogus…

Until Elle Decor came in the mail last week, followed by two issues of Metropolitan Home. Sean grumbled that I always got the good mail and when I told him I got the magazines for free, he was even more jealous.

“You are the best money saver.” he said. I should sure hope I was at least a little bit good. I mean, I have a whole blog on the topic.

Both surveys were through the Rewards Gold program, but I’ve got links to the surveys by subscribing to Money Saving Mom’s feed. (I went to the site a few minutes ago and realized I had no idea how to log in to the site, though I am clearly a member). So subscribe to Money Saving Mom or check out Rewards Gold if you’d like something for nothing, well, unless you count the effort of thinking of hair removal methods.

Just thought I’d share the fact that this actually worked… Happy mid-week!

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