My buddy Craig is the Marketing Director at a site called BudgetPulse and sent me a nice request to review the software on the site. The company has recently revamped it and he wanted to know what I thought.
Personally, I’ve been a little bored with my current budget spreadsheet so the timing was perfect.
Ok, I’m just going to say it: this is slick and I think I am going to make the switch from my spreadsheets to this online system. And you know how resisitant I am to change so this has got to be good, right? is a free manual personal budgeting software that gives a user a simple and secure way to build a personal budget. They do not sync with banks or personal accounts, eliminating any security risks. The manual input is also a great way to educate students of all ages on how they can handle and budget their finances.
At this moment, BudgetPulse has 12,000 users and the response of the redesign has been positive from the majority.
Here’s what I like about it so far:
- Because it’s online, you can access it anywhere, which is really nice for us on-the-road types.
- You can import statements (you don’t have to manually put everything in) but you can also export them in, in case you want to use the information elsewhere besides the site.
- The interface is so nice, I actually enjoy putting transactions in. There, I said it. I enjoy filling out financial data when I do it on this site.
- You can set up recuring transactions.
- You can keep track of multiple accounts, not just overall spending in general.
- They don’t ask you a million questions when you register.
- It takes abotu five minutes to set up. Note: A majority of my information is about 300 miles away at the moment but if I had my statements in hand, it would take five minutes.
So if you know you want to keep a budget but are completely bored or overwhelmed at the thought of setting it up, give BudgetPulse a try. I’m going to use if for my business and personal accounts because the graphic interface not only makes it look cool but gives me a lot of useful information.
Or if you want something you can use offline:
Download a Budget Template (BudgetsAreSexy rounded up the best ones!)…