I make most everything from scratch but I do go to the deli for one thing.

100_4756Last night, my usual deli woman was already reaching for it as I walked up to the counter.

"One pound edamame salad." She clearly already knew and smiled.

"You know, I’ve been telling people about you." she said "I tell people there is this woman who always gets this, says it’s a good source of protein. And then they buy it."

I had no idea I had such sway at the grocery store.

So edamame salad from the Hannaford deli is my secret. When I get home, I sometimes add black beans or corn to increase the volume. I like that it’s filled with protein and keeps me eating low on the food chain. In a Google search, I saw it listed as a South Beach diet and a Mediterranean food so it much be pretty nutritious.

I found a recipe that looks a lot like it here if you don’t have a deli in your area that makes it. Eat it alone, eat it with pasta or rice… all I can say is yum. I can also promise that you won’t feel hungry an hour later after eating some of this. Did I mention I’ve lost 10 pounds on my quest toward weight loss? Clearly, I am a person to be listened to when it comes to deli salads.

So check your local deli for edamame salad. Tell Heather I sent you!

Photo: Edamame salad plays a supporting role to pasta and cherry tomatoes in this quick supper. Add grated parm or some spinach for a walk on the wild side.   

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